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Do Penis Enlargement Exercises Work?

Do Penis Enlargement Exercises Work?Penis enlargement exercises have been famous since the ancient times in the oriental nations, where they were extremely widespread. The training course normally consists of between 100 and 200 exercises and lasts for about half an hour. These exercises aren't troublesome, but they can add about 2 inches (5 cm) to your regular penis size.

Modern penis enlargement programs include full guidance with description of the process in detail. You can use them also to increase penis size, enhance erections and get the intensive and boosted ejaculation.

Penis exercise programs can also contain the information about foods and vitamins you can use to improve your stamina and sexual desire without using special pills but having the results as though you've been taking them.

Apart from being proven, safer, and more natural, penis enlargement exercises also cost less than pills or surgery. The main important thing in choosing the best penis exercises program is the type of training. You'd better take the one which is in video. A video is very important, because you have to know exactly how exercises should be done.

How Penis Enlargement Exercises Work

Penis enlargement exercises consists of a warm up session, exercises like a jelq routine plus another exercise and a cool down routine. After several weeks of regular practice, this set of exercises will give positive results with regard to your penis size.

The most common penis enlargement workout that you could get into is called the jelq. Jelqing is a process also known as milking, wherein the person will hold the penis by using his thumb and index finger while repeatedly drawing his penis away from his body. This process will force blood into the glans and enable the corpora cavernosa to have more space to fill in more blood during erection.

While doing this workout, it is important to keep in mind that this should be done in a slow way. You should not grab the penis area too tightly. The penis should be held onto lightly while you slowly draw your penis away from your body.

These exercises are proven safe and give permanent results if done in the proper way. Do not forget to use a warm up before the primary penis enlargement workout. The warm up includes damping of a warm towel into the penis or to get into a warm bath. This warm up will increase blood flow and to prepare it for jelqing. The warm up session usually lasts for thirty minutes.

It is important that men should take note that there should be no haste when executing the penis workout. Beginners should remember to take a few minutes at first and slowly increase their exercise time to avoid stressing the penile muscles. After the workout, it is important to have a cool down by repeating the warm up exercise.

Best Penis Enlargement Exercises: ErectionFitness

Results: 10
Reputation: 9
Safety: 10
Total: 29 out of 30
ErectionFitness uses the same approach as championship bodybuilding: 'Progressive Overload Sequence' to add inches to the length and girth of your penis.

If you want to add really impressive inches to your length, then you must choose ErectionFitness, a penile workout program that targets all of the muscles, ligaments, and tissues that are key to erection support and orgasm control.